About the programme in short

The 83rd AIPS Congress will be held on 3rd to 7th February 2020 in Budapest at the Hotel Corinthia. Hungary got the fourth opportunity to organize this prominent event. Before this ceremony, Hungary has organized three times the AIPS Annual Congress. The first time was in 1965, the second time was in 1992 and the third time was in 1999. Budapest was in great contest with two more competitor, Rome and Madrid.

The Hungarian Sports Journalists’ Association (MSÚSZ) took big efforts in the previous half a year to organize the AIPS event in Budapest for the fourth time told Dr. Zsuzsa Csisztu vice-president of MSÚSZ. Monday is the opening day. The Congress offer diverse and rich professional programmes approximately to 300 sports journalist of the world.

Yesterday was the first event day. On Monday evening, the AIPS Media Award was awarded to the winners for the second times and in 11 category will be awarded the competitors. One of the most noted guest was Gianni Infantino, the president of the FIFA (Federal Internationale de Football Association or International Federation of Association Football) who took part on a podium speech before the great ceremony.


The two host were Jonathan Edwards, British former olympic winner athlete and dr. Zsuzsa Csisztu, vice-president of MSÚSZ. The following represented Hungary at the event: Krisztián Kulcsár, the president of Hungarian Olympic Committee (MOB), Tünde Szabó State Secretary for Sport, Ministry of Human Capacities (EMMI), Sándor Csányi, the president of the Hungarian Football Association (MLSZ), László Szabó, the president of the Hungarian Paralympic Committee (MPB), Dániel Gyurta, former olympic winner, member of International Olympic Committee (IOC) and MOB, Zoltán Novotny, sports journalists, dr. Zsuzsa Csisztu with György Szöllősi, the president of MSÚSZ and more other notable persons.

On the further days of the event will be also home to the panel discussion of the role of the women in the sport and the sport media. Donna de Varona famous swimmer and Tímea Babos Grand Slam team winner in pair, famous tennis player.

If you would like you read more information about this ocassion, please visit the website of MSÚSZ at www.sportujsagirok.hu.

The pictures and whole gallery were published by Hungarian Sports Journalists’ Association (MSÚSZ) and the sources of the all pictures is also MSÚSZ.

Source of the pictures is Hungarian Sports Journalists’ Association (MSÚSZ).

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