The Hungarian Sport society has lost one of its greatest athlete, Győző Kulcsár. He died after the age of 77, in a long, serious illness. He was a real exemplar for everyone. Győző Kulcsár was not also a great athlete, he was also a good educator, a great master. He taught the future generation to the craft of the epee with great love and patience. Therefore I think, I will share the article about him, which was published in Magyar Idők on 21th September 2018. The article was written in Hungarian. If you would like to know more information about him, please visit the website of the Hungarian Olympic Committee. In the near future, I will write an article about him.

The article about Győző Kulcsár, which was written in Hungarian in the Magyar Idők.

The Interpol and IOC have held meeting in Qatar to work together for integrity of the sport. The aim of this meeting is joint working and collaborating between the IOC and the Interpol to preserve the integrity of the sport and promoting the crime prevention in the sport. At the same time, the aim of this meeting was to create the cooperation between the law enforcement authority and the sport organizations (sport clubs) with assessing the legislative problems and  presenting the practical examples. If you are interested in the article in details, please read it down below on the link.

The source of the article:
The article is presented by SPORTJUS Hungarian Sports Lawyer Association. The article is published on the Interpol website. Click here to read it.


Best regards,

Zoltán Ferenc Samkó J.D.
Labor and Sports Lawyer



Sensation on the Youth Olympics Games. ⎮ The key to success is in the Youths!


Although it has been over for two days, even I am still talking about it. I think, that I do not have to emphasize, that Hungary has closed one of the most successful Youth Olympics Games of all, as the expertises says. All my recognition for the Hungarian team! Big congratulation to everyone!

The Youth Olympics Games were held in the capital of Argentina in Buenos Aires, between on 6th and 18th October 2018. The Youth Olympics Games were organized in 32 sports with in 241 events. The Hungarian team consisted of 79 members. According to the information provided by the Hungarian Olympics Committee, the athletes started in 20 sports. Finally, the Hungarian team earned medals in 9 events of the Olympics Games. All in all, it is a great pleasure, that at the end of the Olympics Games Hungary brought 24 medals. The 24 medals include sum up 12 gold medals, 7 silver medals and 5 bronze medals.

The hungarian team was the most successful in swimming. It is necessary to highlights two names: Ajna Késely and Kristóf Milák. Késely won three gold medals, thus we can say worthily, that she finished her youth years very successfully. Milák also finished his youth years very successfully, because he earned three gold medals too. Next to the above-mentioned gold medals, he won one silver medal. Blanka Berecz also won one gold medal in 200 meter butterfly. I can not go without any words, that I did not mention, that Gábor Zombori ranked in seventh place in 100 meter backstroke and 200 meter individual medley with a fantastic swimming performance. Ákos Kalmár also swam in good shape and ranked the fourth place in 800 meter freestyle. Laura Ilyés also gave a very good performance in 200 meter backstroke and ranked in sixth place.

As we look at the resulting times, the times of Ajna and Kristóf are very remarkable. Ajna swam with very good times in 800 meter freestyle: 8:27.60, in 200 meter freestyle: 1:57.88 and in 400 meter freestyle 4:07.14. Kristóf times are the follows: in 400 meter freestyle: 3:48.08, in 200 meter freestyle: 1:47.73, in 200 meter butterfly: 1:54.89. Next to them Blanka Berecz also swam with very good time in 200 meter butterfly: 2:10.37. Laura Ilyés swam with quite good time too. Her time is: 2:13.05. As we can see these times, it can be said that Hungary has performed remarkably.

Next to swimming we were interested in another sports. In kayak Eszter Rendessy and Ádám Kiss ranked the first place. In Saber Krisztián Rabb and Liza Pusztai triumphed in the first place. In judo Szofi Özbas won the gold medal. Zsombor Végh who also a judo competitor, got the bronze medal. Krisztián Balázs gymnast competitor gained the silver medal in gymnastics, while in stretching gymnastic he got the bronze medal. Csenge Bácskay earned the silver medal too. Dániel Huller also got the silver medal in 400 meter hurdling and Klaudia Endrész ranked in the second place in long-jump too. Next to this, Anna Szél also got the silver medal in wrestling, while in cycling Blanka Vas and Virág Buzsáki received the bronze medal. In pentathlon Vince Jármy with the European team earned the silver medal.

It can be seen well, that the members of the Hungarian team reached amazing results with good preparation and an effective supporters of background in Buenos Aires. Long time ago I also followed the youth sport events, but much more rarely,  than now. Today I realized that key to success is in the youths. They will give the new members of the Hungarian national team, who will be the new Olympic champions, World champions, European champions athletes. Therefore it is very important for me to deal with the case of the youths. They are the key to the future. It should not be forgotten that, not only the listed names are part of the Hungarian team, but also those names that were not mentioned now. They are significant part of the Hungarian national team too. Their works are also added to the success of the whole team. We are spectators, who can help them with our cheers and encouragement. We could say selfishly, that their successes are ours and their sorrows are ours too. The truth is that the lots of success are the athletes and not ours. However the presence of the spectators means some kind of extra support for the competitors that necessary to achieve the sure success. So, we can give support for them, that is why we can also receive their success and sorrow too. The team spirit and their devoted cheers are also necessary to each other, over their performances.

All in all, the togetherness is very important to the athletes and the spectators too, that the Hungarian team be a successful community in all international and national events. It should not be forgotten that the professional staff were given by excellent trainers and support team, whom works were also very important to the big success.

For my part, it was a great pleasure for me to listen to the radio or read on the newspapers front pages the great news about Hungary. Finally we finished in the fourth place on the medal table, as know it well. The hungarian sport has been always famous in the world, despite of we are a small country. In our soul we are a great country, and thus we will always an amazing country in knowledge, in performance and in the love sports.

As a Sports Lawyer, I think we can be worthily proud of our team. This youth team is the exemplar for the next generation, who shows the right way. That is why is very important to support the Hungarian sports on governmental level and in other ways. This other ways can mean organizing programs, conferences or making plans to create a new scholarship programs, etc. It is indispensable to be a great organizing plan and program coordination too.

Finally, I want to say some sentence about swimming, because long time ago I also did this sport and I love it. I have been watching for a while the younger competitors. For example: the Olympic bronze medalist Tamás Kenderesi, the world championship silver medalist Kristóf Milák, the Youth Olympic gold medalist Ajna Késely, the Youth Olympic bronze medalist Anna Sztankovics, the European championship bronze medalist and Youth Olympic gold medalist Liliána Szilágyi, and many other names.

I have to also mention the big ones. This group includes the retired fivefold Olympic gold medalist Krisztina Egerszegi, the fourfold Olympic champion Tamás Darnyi, the Olympic gold medalist Sándor Wladár, József Szabó, Norbert Rózsa, Ágnes Kovács, Attila Czene, the Olympic bronze medalist and world and European champion András Hargitay, the Olympic silver and bronze medalist and world champion Zoltán Verrsztó with the Olympic silver medalist László Cseh and Károly Güttler.

They are followed by the younger veterans, who are also very important as the aforementioned athletes. They are the follows: the threefold Olympic gold medalist Katinka Hosszú (I met her in personal in the last year at her motivation lecture, because I was invited by her management group.), the Olympic champion Éva Risztov, Dániel Gyurta, the Olympic bronze medalist Boglárka Kapás, world championship bronze medalist Dominik Kozma, the European champion gold medalist Zsuzsanna Jakabos, the twofold world championship silver medalist, threefold European champion gold medalist Dávid Verrasztó and his sister the European Champion gold medalist Evelyn Verrasztó, and the European Championship bronze medalist Bence Pulai. The list could be continued with more names, but in this article it would be impossible. It is very important to highlights the aforementioned names, because they are the base of the Hungarian national team. Without them, the Hungarian team would be nowhere. They mean the power to the youth to build their future.

Finally, I would mention two person. I have been already watching their sport carrier. They are Ajna Késely and Kristóf Milkák. The performance and the training, which were carried out by them is exemplary. I think it is right, when their coaches said that, they would reach good ranks in 2020, if they continue the right preparation. They are a great phenomenon, and that is why it was a right statement from Mr. Turi: ,,The way is shown to Ajna Késely by Krisztina Egerszegi.”

The Hungarian team proved on this Olympic Games, that they still have place among the big countries in the world. Once more, all my recognition to the Hungarian team! Congratulation!

Budapest, 22th October 2018.

Best regards,

Zoltán Ferenc Samkó, J.D.
Labor and Sports Lawyer



Origo Sport – Minden idők legjobb magyar szereplését hozta a 2018-as ifjúsági olimpia: 2018.10.18. – további forrás: MTI in: Hetvenkilenc ok az ünneplésre in: Bruckner Vince – Mesterhármas a medencében – Utánpótlássport

Photo of the Danube Arena at Budapest, on 27th July 2017, the 2017 FINA World Championship