Information on the more important changes of the Act XCIV of 2020 on the amendment of Sport Act regarding to the Olympian Annuity

Some provisions of the Act I of 2004 on the Sport (hereinafter: Sport Act) is amended in the recent past days. The changes affects the rules of the Olympic Annuity and the rules of the Right to Entry. The affected provisions are the following:  Sport Act Sec. 33, 59, 60, 78/N and 78/O.

The Act XCIV of 2020 on the amendment of Sport Act regarding to the Olympian annuity hereinafter referred to as Amendment Act 7. The Act XCV of 2020 on the amendment of Sport Act regarding to the Right to Entry hereinafter referred as: Amendment Act 8.

The Sport Act Sec. 59 (3) is replaced by the following provision: ,,(3) the widow of the deceased medalist athlete is entitled to the Olympic annuity for the rest of her life from the month following the death of the athlete if she is an Hungarian citizen and she was the spouse of the medalist athlete in the time of the athlete’s death or she lived with him in common household without interruption in the previous 5 years of the athlete’s death.”

The Sport Act Sec. 60 (3) is replaced by the following provision: ,,(3) the widow of the deceased medalist athlete is entitled to the half part of the athlete’s annuity. The widow is entitled to the whole annuity of the athlete until their common minor child become adult person.”

The subtitle of the enter into force and transitions provisions of the Sport Act will be added with Sec. 78/N:

,,Sec. 78/N (1) If the person who is eligible for the widow’s annuity at the entry into force of the Amendment Act 7, after the entry into force of the Amendment Act 7 pursuant to its Sec. 60 (3) the person will be entitled to the whole widow’s annuity. The launch of the administrative procedure will be started by the application of the entitled person. Pursuant to this subsection from the entry into force of the Amendment Act 7, until the transfer of the altered amount of annuity for temporary period, the difference shall be paid with the altered amount of annuity in the value increased by the central base rate.

(2) If the widow of the medalist athlete is entitled to the Olympic annuity when the Amendment Act 7 enters into force, pursuant of its sec 59 (3) the widow will be entitled to the annuity which will be determined by the application of the entitled person according to this subsection.

This law will enter into force the day after its proclamation.

Information on the more important changes of the Act XCV of 2020 on the amendment of Sport Act regarding to Right to Entry

The following point e) is added to Sport Act Sec. 33 (2):

,,(1) The right to enter (right to enter) in the competition system (championship) can not be negotiable, the contract to that is void. The new point e) is an exception if:

e) the sporting enterprise with the right to entry formate a business association  for the purpose of participating in the same or higher league class of the competition system announced and organized by the same sports association. The right to entry shall be negotiated to the business association mentioned above by the sporting enterprise with the prior consent of the same sports federation and the sporting enterprise has no public due.

The following Subsection 2b is added to Sec. 33:

,,The sports federation may deny its prior consent to the conferment in accordance with point e) if the conditions of the conferment does not comply with the legal requirements and conditions determined in rules of the sport association. The body of the sport association which is marked in rules of the sport association, it may ex officio or upon request examine that the conferment of right to entry in accordance with the Section 2 point e) is aimed at breach of the conferment of right to entry. Based on the result of the examination, the sport federation delivers its reasonable decision with willing to taking into account all of the circumstances of the case that the sport association affected with the transfer of the right to entry whether it can participate in the competition system. The affected sport association may bring an action before the court or it can choose the arbitration against the decision of the right to entry of the sport federation within 30 days of the limitation period from the date of the communication of the decision.”

The following Sec. 78/O will be added to the entry into force and temporary provisions of the Sport Act:

,,Pursuant to the Sec. 78/O the section 33 (2) point e) and subsection 2b of the Amendment Act 8 shall be applied during the entry into the Championship of 2020-2021 too.”

This law will enter into force after 5th day of its proclamation.

Hungarian Gazette 2020 Issue 170

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