The Government Decree No. 142/2020 (22 April) on the Applicable Labor Law Provisions during the Epidemic Situation (COVID-19) (hereinafter: Government Decree or Decree) was published in the Hungarian Gazette Issue Vol. 83. on 22 April 2020, Wednesday. The different labor law provisions are determined by the Government Decree for the duration of State of Emergency until its withdrawal taking into consideration the information contained the information brochure of the Federation International Football Association (FIFA).

The decree confer the right to the sports organizations included in the sports system of the Hungarian Football Association (MLSZ) to reduce in their unilaterally written legal statement the regular monthly wages of the athletes who perform their sporting activity in labor relationship (or personal service relationship) or those sports professionals wages who are employed in labor relationship or employment-related other relationship.

In case of personal service relationship, the remuneration can be reduced if the remuneration will be payed as wage cost according to the Accounting Act.

The rate of the monthly wage reducing may not exceed 70%.

The monthly wage reducing is valid for the duration of the State of Emergency.

The source of the picture is Adobe Stock.

The Government Decree also contains similar provisions to the relevant decision of the national sports trade union operating in team sports and not covered by the above regulations.

The Government Decree will enter into force the day after its proclamation. Under these provisions these regulations shall be applied in the sports labor relationship from this day.

The effect of this Government Decree is prolonged by the Government for the duration of the State of Emergency.

The Hungarian Gazette (Magyar Közlöny) issue Vol 83. is available in Hungarian only.

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